Mission Expansion

Participating in the mission of Christ and planting healthy, multiplying churches is at the heart of our Diocese. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16-17). Jesus calls us to proclaim the Gospel with power, by word and deed, wherever we live and serve. 

Ministry Partnerships

Leadership Development

We believe that God has created humanity as stewards of creation and developers of culture. He has redeemed a people for Himself and established good works for each Christian to do, for the sake of others (Eph. 2:10). He empowers and calls us to serve Him as agents of the Kingdom in every imaginable vocation that can be done with integrity and truth. Therefore, we are passionate about next-generation leadership development for every discipline of life. We believe future Christian leadership for the city, the church, the academy, the business community, and the world of the arts starts in the nurseries of our churches and the living rooms of our homes.

Ordination and Credentialing
Anglican Studies Program

Spiritual Health

Our goal is to cultivate thriving communities that bear witness to the in-breaking reign of God that Jesus announces and embodies, in all that we do and are. We desire to be Christian communities that are a picture of, and testament to, God’s reign.

Church Health
Clergy Care
Parish Visits
Prayer Ministry

Ministry Initiatives

We are blessed with numerous leaders passionate about bringing the gospel to bear in every aspect of life. We have created a variety of Strategic Ministry Initiatives to catalyze and support those leaders as they pursue the work God has called them to in service of global mission, prayer, justice and mercy, and more.

Strategic Ministry Initiatives