Fifteen years. In the span of fifteen years much can happen: rejoicing in the birth of a child, holding their hand as they take baby steps, letting go of the bicycle as they peddle all alone, and sitting nervously in the passenger seat as they drive home with their new driver’s permit. There are some days that seem particularly arduous as children are shuttled from soccer practice to piano lessons and grabbing a quick bite in between as they finish their homework. Other moments in life you want to hold onto and not let go, like when your children snuggle against you on the couch wanting to read their favorite book for the 20th time. Just as we walk through these developmental stages of life, so too we have seen the birth, growth, and maturation of the Anglican Church in North America from its founding in 2009, fifteen years ago.
From birth by faith and conviction, we have followed the call to proclaim Christ and the fullness of His Word. There has been church planting, growth, the grounding of our worship in the Book of Common Prayer 2019, and the strengthening of discipleship through the catechism. Through it all, God has brought the Anglican Church in North America a long way.