Nearly 40 ordinands and clergy traveled from all corners of the diocese for this year’s Come & See Retreat, spending four days at the beautiful Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond, Virginia to learn about the Diocese of Christ Our Hope.
- Bishops Steve, Alan, and Quigg shared the history of the diocese, including our roots in Rwanda, reminding us that “we have nothing but what we have received.”
- Canon Jeff Bailey presented “A Vision of Anglicanism” drawing on the early church, John Jewel, and Richard Hooker.
- Bishop Steve taught on the “Culture, Values, and Ethos” of the diocese, which included emphases such as the call to catalytic mission, and a spirit of generosity and collaboration.
- Bishop Alan described the “Strategies and Structures” of the diocese, which included a helpful explanation of the theologies and practice of episcopal ministry in the ACNA.
- Sally Breedlove taught on the importance of ministry that overflows from the authenticity of one’s own spiritual life, and the need for ongoing transformation in our hearts.
- Various workshops were offered throughout the retreat, as well: Rev’d Ashley Davis taught on the diaconate and healthy boundaries in ministry; Canon Ben Bowman taught on leading liturgical worship; and COO Lee Hilts taught on creating healthy systems in churches.
- We also enjoyed wonderful times of worship together, with Rev’d Buddy Hocutt and Rachael Green offering thoughtful homilies for morning and evening prayer, and Rev’d Lisa McCowen preaching a memorable sermon on the Syrophoenician woman for our Eucharist service.
Throughout the retreat we had time for extended meals, evening receptions, BBQ and games at the pavilion, and a highly competitive session of Anglican Family Feud. In the midst of all this, our ordinands and new clergy were drawn more deeply into community with each other, as well as the history and mission of our diocese. We are already looking forward to our next Come & See Retreat!
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