Brothers and Sisters,
Epiphany is the season in our liturgical calendar where we celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ to the whole world, symbolized by the visit of the Magi from the East. . One third of the world’s population still lives where there is no indigenous church sufficient for reaching their own culture. These 3.2 billion people are part of over seven thousand Unreached People Groups (UPGs) where the church is less, often far less, than 2% Christian. That means missionaries and cross-cultural Christian witness is still a vital part of God’s work through the Church. This Epiphany, we can join with workers, agencies, and partner churches in praying for the Unreached Peoples of the World.
At this article, we have compiled suggested resources for use during Epiphany and World Mission Sunday. You will find visual resources for a Global Mission Table such as infographics and maps. You will also find resources that can be used during worship such as videos, an ACNA approved global mission liturgy, and a litany for missions.
Additionally, for the first time this year, the Global Mission Initiative of our diocese has helped to produce a six-week training curriculum for Global Missions. An Anglican Introduction to Missions (AIM) https://www.newwineskins.org/aim is a curriculum that can be used in small groups to support your church with biblical, historical, and practical foundations for frontier mission participation.
Over the next several weeks of Epiphany, this newsletter will highlight testimonies and Epiphany reflections from the cross cultural workers around the world who are connected to our diocese along with representatives of the Global Mission Initiative.
Happy Epiphany,
Matt Foster and the DCOH Global Mission Initiative Team