This morning saw Rt. Rev. Kanishka Raffel, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia expound on Colossians 3, admonishing the conference to live as Christ lived, putting to death those things that belong to our earthly nature, and walking in compassion, kindness, and love.
Following the sermon, Rev. Canon Dr. Ashley Null, Theological Advisor to the Diocese of the Carolinas, presented a history of Anglicanism, reminding us of the great tradition we've inherited and that we are indebted to.
After lunch, the draft GAFCON statement was read and each province went off to discuss and edit. Those edits from each province, then, were submitted to the drafting team who completed the final document to be presented on Friday. Please pray for the GAFCON Primates, drafting team, and delegates as they seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in drafting this statement.