Anglican Studies Program
Robust Anglican Formation
Forming thoughtful Anglican leaders for effective gospel ministry.
Forming thoughtful Anglican leaders for effective gospel ministry.
The Anglican Studies Program is a certificate designed for ordinands and lay leaders who desire to serve in the Anglican tradition. Our program is a robust, highly relational, and cost-effective course of study taught by clergy in the Diocese of Christ Our Hope. Participants can expect to finish the program having been theologically and spiritually formed in distinctly Anglican ways.
The Anglican Studies Certificate consists of four courses that can be completed in one year. The year is divided into quarters and one class is offered each quarter. Participants may begin with any course in the yearlong cycle. Each course will consist of asynchronous online learning, bi-weekly live seminars over Zoom on Tuesdays from 7-8:30PM, and one 48-hour, in-person weekend residential including meals, worship, and conversation.
Winter Term (January-March)
Course Description: This course covers the history of the Anglican Church chronologically from its beginnings in the Celtic period to the modern day. Particular attention will be paid to the major themes and tensions that have arisen regularly over the last 1800 years. The end goal of the course is a historically-informed sense of the identity of the Anglican Church, so that we can approach the current struggles and questions with wisdom.
Spring Term (April-June)
Course Description: This course explores the sacraments and their role in the life of the church through the lens of Scripture, the church fathers, and the Anglican formularies. Along with developing an Anglican sacramentology, the course also will provide practical instruction in how the sacraments are celebrated and administered in the church.
Summer Term (July-September)
Course Description: This course provides an overview of Anglican theology and ethics, in both historical and topical perspective, with attention given to the development of Anglican theology from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. This will be done in conversation with key theologians and theological movements, and applied to contemporary questions of ministry today.
Fall Term (October-December)
Course Description: This course seeks to foster spiritual formation by studying the historical development and spiritual resources of the Anglican tradition and its relationship with the broader Biblical, historical, and ecumenical context. We will explore the integration of the Anglican spiritual tradition and practical theology. The course concerns both the individual's spiritual life and the special responsibilities of the ordained person for assisting in the spiritual development of others.
Individual Course Tuition: $330
Winter Term: January-March
Apply by December 1
Spring Term: April-June
Apply by March 1
Summer Term: July-September
Apply by June 1
Fall Term: October-December
Apply by September 1
The Anglican Studies Program employs a rolling registration schedule. Participants may apply at any time and begin with any course in the yearlong cycle. Each course consists of asynchronous online learning, bi-weekly live seminars over Zoom from 7-8:30 p.m. and one 48-hour in-person residential weekend.
Although DCOH ordinands are required to complete the Anglican Studies course, DCOH clergy desiring to expand their knowledge and training are welcome to apply. Lay leaders actively serving in an Anglican parish are also invited to apply, but must submit a letter of recommendation from their current rector or vicar to Rachael Green in the Leadership Development Office.
There are no official requirements regarding previous education. Applicants should be aware, however, that these are graduate-level courses.