every tribe

and nation

A Great Multitude

To see the Diocese of Christ Our Hope welcome in and reflect the growing diversity of people groups in our midst.

Contact the every tribe and nation initiative

America has always been a melting pot of cultures, even though churches and denominations do not always reflect this diversity. As the world grows smaller and people groups from all over the world settle in our midst, some more Christian than others, our churches must adapt to be places that welcome in those who historically look, speak, and think differently than us because of their cultural background. We know that every tribe, tongue, and nation will worship before God’s throne one day together, but we do not want for that day to come to start living out this reality now in ways that are possible to our congregations. Would the churches of Christ our Hope be churches growing in ethnic diversity and complexity while continuing to stay true to our long Anglican tradition which has already been such a gift to so many places throughout the world!