We use Always Forward-trained assessors from around DCOH, data-driven profiles, and relational conversations to determine the fit and readiness of men and women discerning a call to church planting.
The Diocese of Christ Our Hope is dedicated to the work of church planting because we believe it is inextricably connected to the pursuit of the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
Church planting is the most effective means of:
The New Testament shows us that as the early Church pursued the Great Commission, it planted churches in every city where a door was opened. Through this work, the Gospel spread throughout the world. Today, our method remains the same. We pray that God will bless our church planting efforts and use them to bring the gospel to bear in those places that need it most.
The footprint of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope encompasses more than 86 million Americans and a number of highly influential cities and universities, not to mention hundreds of small cities and towns. That means people of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, and economic statuses are on our doorstep. As we plant churches, we pray that our diocese will begin to resemble God's kingdom - a great multitude from every tribe, tongue, and nation worshipping God together (Revelation 7:9).
Church planting not only creates new congregations, it revitalizes and motivates our existing churches. Church plants bring faithful innovation, a passion for reaching the lost, and evangelistic effectiveness and provide an example of risk-taking for the Gospel. These offerings seep into the Diocese and surrounding churches and renew and strengthen our mission focus.
The Lord is working in West Virginia! Led by Rev. Canon Ben Sharpe, Mission Hope West Virginia is a Diocese of Christ Our Hope initiative devoted to planting new gospel-centered, Spirit-led Anglican churches across West Virginia. To date, three churches have been planted in West Virginia, with three more in process.
The Diocese of Christ Our Hope proudly partners with Always Forward, the church planting initiative of the Anglican Church in North America, to identify, equip, and support our church planters.
A location that represents promise of a strategic nature. A strategic place can be rural, urban, suburban, or collegiate in nature.
A group of people who are considering whether or not God may be calling them together on mission to serve the work of the gospel in their community.
A group of people seeking to plant a new church, coached by an approved diocesan Church Plant Coach guiding the development of the Launch Team to Mission status.
Guided by a Church Planter and Steering Team and supported by a diocesan Church Plant Coach, the focus of a Church Plant is spiritual and physical growth.
Fulfilled all Launch Team requirements and:
A Mission is a Church Plant that has "taken root" and is growing steadily in health and fruitfulness.
Fulfilled Church Plant requirements and:
When a Mission reaches the stable size of 100 confirmed adults, a junior and senior lay leader, and other markers that it is self-sustaining, self-governing, and self-replicating, it can apply to the Diocesan Council to be recognized as a Congregation.
Fulfilled all Mission requirements and: