Protecting Our Children

Policy and Manual for the Protection of Children

Policy and Manual for the Protection of Children

PDF Version

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The Diocese of Christ our Hope (DCH) gratefully accepts the trust given by God to nurture and care for people through our congregations. In fulfilling this trust, we are committed to disciple children and youth in our ministries. However, to do this, we must also take particular care to defend and protect these young people. This policy will enable churches to do their best to fulfill this dual responsibility, leading younger people to lifelong faith and discipleship as followers of Jesus and doing all within our power to protect them from harm while under our care.


One effective means of reducing the incidence of child abuse is to carefully and professionally screen  all clergy, vestry, staff and volunteers who work with minors. The Diocese requires the following screening and background checks for all canonically resident and licensed clergy as well as vestry, staff, and volunteers who work with children and youth.

Screening Resources

Sample Volunteer Application

Sample volunteer screening questions

Social Media Screening Checklist


Training is also an important deterrent to child abuse. Training clergy, staff, vestry, and volunteers that work with children and youth creates communities that become more aware of behaviors that can lead to abuse. These individuals must be trained to recognize the warning signs of potential abuse as well as to learn the procedures for reporting abuse and suspected abuse. They also must become familiar with safe practices designed to reduce the potential for abuse occurring.

Training Resources

Sample Training Attendance Certificate

Sample acknowledgement form


These interacting guidelines and procedures are intended to help children and adults feel safe in ministry and help detect problems before they turn into an incident of abuse.

Interacting Resources

Sample Photography and Digital Media Release Form

Sample Waiver for Driving a Minor

Sample supervisory plan


Monitoring helps detect problems before they turn into an incident of abuse and helps adults avoid wrongful allegations of abuse where none has occurred. Clergy, staff, vestry and volunteers must be diligent in monitoring and supervising children and youth ministries in all settings at all times. NOTE: Offsite activities increase the risk of abuse due to changes in venue and lack of familiarity with the space/environment. Due consideration should be taken to become familiar with the intricacies of any offsite physical setting by ministry and church leaders. 

The Supervisory Plan details for clergy, staff and volunteers the specific plan to manage safety measures at the parish for a ministry activity. It is recommended that a copy of the Supervisory Plans be provided to and signed by those responsible for ministry leadership for the activity, program, ministry, or event (this may be a staff member or volunteer) and that the plan be accessible. 

Monitoring Resources

Sample Ministry Registration Form

SAMPLE Discipleship/mentorship/pastoral care catalog

Grooming Awareness

Reporting a complaint 


Report a Complaint

Compliance, Feedback, and Revisions

Admittedly, no matter how thorough and detailed Diocesan safeguarding policies and procedures are, no matter how compliant parishes are, no matter how outstanding the screening, training, interacting, monitoring, reporting, and responding procedures are,  tragic, damaging things may  happen to people under our care. It is, therefore, important to select the right insurance policy, customized to your specific needs, that will enable each parish to provide its best safeguarding procedures and have needed resources in case something tragic occurs. 

It is recommended that each church have an Ethics and Safeguarding Committee (or similar risk management team) to oversee insurance selection and to ensure adherence to this policy and other child safety best practices for their parish.  It is recommended that each parish should have sexual misconduct coverage in their insurance policy as well.

There are useful resources for Risk Management and other related documents from the ACNA and Brotherhood Mutual found here: