The Rev. Canon Sergio Sapunar

Canon for Ethics and Safeguarding

Sergio is originally from Chile, South America. He began his ministry as a missionary among indigenous Anglican brothers and sisters in the rural South of Chile. After two years, he returned to Santiago (the capital), where he studied (BTh) at the Anglican Seminary. After seminary, he became an assistant pastor and later the rector of Saint John's Anglican Church. In this church, he spent nine years leading a church revitalization. After the church grew and matured, he came to the States to keep improving his theological and pastoral skills. He received a Master of Divinity and a Master in Christian Counseling from the Reformed Theological Seminary.

Sergio serves as a Biblical counselor and multiethnic leader in our diocese (The Diocese of Christ Our Hope). He also serves as a leader and speaker in Caminemos Juntos (a Hispanic initiative of the ACNA).

Although Sergio enjoys theological and exegetical discussions, his passion is to make the Scriptures manageable, practical, and contingent for all people. In addition, he has a heart to equip pastors, leaders, and churches with practical theology and pastoral counseling. Sergio is married to Marcela and has two kids, Benjamin and Magdalena.

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