Beginning Spiritual Direction

December 10, 2021

Pray that the Lord would clarify your desire. He is drawing you towards a direction relationship and will be working to help bring it about.

Ask if your local church has a list of recommended spiritual directors. Consider consulting the list of spiritual directors on the Christ Our Hope diocesan website. It may be helpful to talk with others who are currently in spiritual direction.

As you begin to contact potential directors, be prepared to share a little about your hopes and desires for your time in spiritual direction.

It’s generally wise to talk with a potential director, or meet them in person, to discern a sense of fit before moving ahead with spiritual direction sessions.

It may be helpful to ask some of the following questions:

  • Are you currently able to take new directees? If not, would they have a recommendation for alternative directors?
  • How do you view the spiritual direction relationship and the role of spiritual direction in the life of the believer? Is their practice contemplative, biblically based and trinitarian in theology?
  • What is the general rhythm of your spiritual direction sessions?
  • Is there the capacity to meet in person vs by Zoom or FaceTime?
  • How are you compensated for your ministry? (Most, but not all spiritual directors receive some payment for their time. Some have a set fee; others have a flexible policy based on what the individual is able to give.)
  • Tell me a little about your training.
  • If you have any questions regarding the director’s theology, this is an appropriate time to ask.
  • Does the director request a particular time commitment (i.e., monthly sessions)?
  • Is there a mechanism for reviewing the helpfulness of the direction relationship (i.e., annual conversation about whether or not to continue sessions)?

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