Epiphany is a time to recognize the many ways that Christ was first made known to the wider world, which makes it a great time to celebrate Global Missions efforts. We encourage every congregation to follow the prayer book in celebrating World Mission Sunday on the second to last Sunday of Epiphany, February 12, 2023.
Below you can find a list of resources for printing and displaying on an Epiphany table. There are also links to video resources, website libraries, and contact information for the GMI leadership team.
- DCH Bishop’s Letter--A letter from all three Bishops of DCH connecting Epiphany to Global Mission
- Synod 2022 GMI Brochure–A simple one page document explaining the Global Mission Initiative and showing the countries where DCH churches have connections
- Litany for Global Mission–This came out of the Global Mission Prayer Network. It can be printed and given to your congregation to use throughout Epiphany or all year long.
Coming January 18th:
- Archbishop’s 2023 World Mission Sunday Letter
- The Global Missions Initiative and World Mission Sunday are active in the entire province of the Anglican Church in North America.
- World Mission Sunday Kenya Liturgy
- Recommended for use throughout Epiphany or World Mission Sunday. Using this liturgy celebrates our Global Anglican Identity, brings attention to the lostness of the world’s religions, and invites us to ask God how we can join in His global mission.
- Advocate position description
- Every church in DCH is encouraged to have someone advocating for Global Mission and participating in the network of Advocates.
Links, Videos, and Other Resources:
- New Wineskins
- DCOH Global Mission Initiative
- Anchorlines Epiphany 2023
- Frontier Peoples | Joshua Project Explore today’s frontiers in mission and resources for highlighting the billions of people who have not yet been introduced to Christ.