Spiritual Direction

Anglican Spiritual Direction

The Diocese of Christ Our Hope has partnered with Leadership Transformations, Inc. (LTI) to offer a uniquely Anglican cohort of their Selah: Certificate in Spiritual Direction. LTI's Selah-Anglican Certificate is hosted by the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, but open to anglicans around the ACNA


Find a spiritual director

Spiritual directors are available throughout the diocese and the ACNA.

If you are a spiritual director and would like to be added to our list of available directors, please contact the Spiritual Direction Initiative staff.     

Each director listed below serves the body of Christ as an individual practitioner. The diocese does not employ directors. Individuals referencing this list will need to do the work of assessing whom to choose as a director for themselves. We hope this list will help you connect with a spiritual director who is a good fit for you. Please do not use this list for any other purposes.

Additional resources for spiritual direction:

Leadership Transformations

Transforming Center

Grafted Life


The Program

Selah's curriculum through an Anglican lens.

Selah: A biblical word connoting a reflective pause, a listening attentiveness in the word-crafted space of our salvation life. It suggests that the conversation going on in this space has value, and meaning, and reveals God's work in us.

LTI believes this describes what happens in spiritual direction as, with and on behalf of another, we are prayerfully attentive to God in this wide open space of his salvation work, where we are being shaped by the Holy Spirit ever more fully into the image of Christ!


Selah is intentionally trinitarian in theology - spiritual direction is paying attention to how God the Father is actively shaping a persons life through the Holy Spirit in ways that form them ever more deeply into the image of Christ.

Selah is intentionally contemplative in style - characterized by an attentive resting in Christ's presence in the direction time, noticing the movement and activity of the Holy Spirit

Selah is intentionally biblical in grounding - drawing understanding of God and his ways from the Scriptures 



Spiritual direction occurs in community - the community of the Trinity, as experienced in the community of spiritual direction. Likewise, our learning of spiritual direction is a communal learning, in the context of which we bring together classic content with lived experience. For this reason, cohorts are small - only 12-18 people in each.


Residency retreats begin and end each day with a contemplative framing of Morning Prayer and Compline. Our mornings together offer spiritual formation teaching on the rhythms of the spiritual life, informed by the Scriptures and the classics of spiritual theology. Our afternoons follow prayerful reflection in times of silence and solitude with small group spiritual direction practice, leading into evenings of interactive group discussion before entering rest.


Selah's instructional experience will offer each intern a mentoring relationship with one of our faculty, meeting for supervision in-person or online five to six times each year. In these relationships, interns will receive encouragement and feedback on their practice of spiritual direction as well as around their interaction with and appropriation of the course material.


Selah's reading list is a compilation of classic and contemporary writings on the spiritual life in general, as well as on spiritual direction in particular; works by Anglicans and on Anglican perspective are included in the conversation - "conversation" in that all we read, reflect on, and share in Selah is meant to be in ongoing conversation with the Lord. 


All content used with permission from Leadership Transformations, Inc.
