The Program
Selah's curriculum through an Anglican lens.
Selah: A biblical word connoting a reflective pause, a listening attentiveness in the word-crafted space of our salvation life. It suggests that the conversation going on in this space has value, and meaning, and reveals God's work in us.
LTI believes this describes what happens in spiritual direction as, with and on behalf of another, we are prayerfully attentive to God in this wide open space of his salvation work, where we are being shaped by the Holy Spirit ever more fully into the image of Christ!
Selah is intentionally trinitarian in theology - spiritual direction is paying attention to how God the Father is actively shaping a persons life through the Holy Spirit in ways that form them ever more deeply into the image of Christ.
Selah is intentionally contemplative in style - characterized by an attentive resting in Christ's presence in the direction time, noticing the movement and activity of the Holy Spirit
Selah is intentionally biblical in grounding - drawing understanding of God and his ways from the Scriptures
All content used with permission from Leadership Transformations, Inc.